Helping Business Managers to Transform from Multipliers to Exponentiators by Establishing Best-in-Class Administrative Processes


At M2E Consulting & CFO, our vision is to help international manufacturing companies improve controls and information gathering from their international operations by establishing common and best-in-class administrative processes.


We are a process-oriented international manufacturing CFO office that will work supporting medium size companies to achieve their growth targets without increasing their administrative expenses.

After almost 30 years in a high-growth international manufacturing company, we have identified the key success factor that will allow owners and management teams to grow their companies to their maximum potential, under a controlled and efficient system, using best-in-class administrative processes.

Our Services

Business Consulting

Aligning corporate strategy with business processes

International Support

Evaluating and aligning remote (LATAM) sites processes to corporate’s required business processes and information needs

Interim / Part Time CFO

Optimizing CFO office to reduce waste and prepare for growth while helping develop full-time / next permanent CFO

About Us

Thomas Kelly has 30+ years of professional experience in the automotive industry and actively participated in his previous company’s successful 13% per year growth trajectory for the last almost 30 years.

With an undergraduate degree as a mechanical engineer from Monterrey Tec (ITESM – Mexico), an MBA from Harvard Business School (HBS), and a professional career focus in Sales, Finance, Purchasing, HR, and all other functions in the SG&A side of a manufacturing company, he has developed a keen understanding of the key factors that allow a company successfully achieve an aggressive business growth strategy.

During his professional career, Thomas has been directly involved in an immense variety of topics and challenges, which provide the depth and experience any company would benefit from. Some key topics/challenges, among others:

  • Restored management confidence ‘designation’ from external auditor firm
  • Negotiated and removed EPA operating restrictions for specific sites in the USA
  • Navigating cash constrain operation given governmental controls (China)
  • SAP implementation on the recently acquired business
    Cash flow efficiency project to optimize Operating NWC

Let's Get In Touch

Under no obligation, we can set up a quick call (audio or video) to determine if we are the right people to support your company.  If you prefer, send me a brief description and I will reply within the next 48 hours.