Interim/Part-Time CFO
by M2E


To be an Interim and/or Part-Time CFO for manufacturing companies that want to scale up and achieve their full growth potential with the objectives to:

Assure their Readiness for Growth

All While Preparing their Long-Term CFO


We will work with your top management on the following steps:


We will ensure your company’s readiness to achieve its next level of growth by achieving a very robust and low-cost administrative infrastructure that will provide the necessary support and information so management can drive the business.


Together with the owner and management team, we will identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the business; define achievable targets for each of them that will guarantee the business is maximizing the cash generated by its manufacturing arm; and collaborating to establish a roadmap to achieve such targets.


In addition, we will make sure we establish administrative processes that will minimize the cost of the supporting functions while maintaining an operation in full compliance with internal policies and procedures.

Ready to Take Action?

Under no obligation, we can set up a quick call (audio or video) to determine if we are the right people to support your company.  If you prefer, send me a brief description and I will reply within the next 48 hours.